Sunday, December 23, 2012


This is an interesting discussion about creation and some of the nature of God. I created a new word to describe my understanding of how God relates to time: Omnichronic. (Update, I added a link to a video at the end that helps illustrate this)

FBUser #1: I don't believe God created the earth in 7 24-hour days.
Monday, December 10 at 2:37pm

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Risk? Success? *shrug*

I had someone explain some of the options available in research with a Pharm.D and some of the reasons to get into that field. He described how spending a lot of time trying to figure something out and then getting results that change how you understand things is extremely satisfying. He spent a lot of time telling stories of how people took something they learned in the lab and then made their own company and are making millions.