Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Risk? Success? *shrug*

I had someone explain some of the options available in research with a Pharm.D and some of the reasons to get into that field. He described how spending a lot of time trying to figure something out and then getting results that change how you understand things is extremely satisfying. He spent a lot of time telling stories of how people took something they learned in the lab and then made their own company and are making millions.
While I can see that the monetary compensation ladder goes higher than in retail or hospital pharmacy, there's less certainty and no patient contact. If you can't convince someone that your research/product is useful/valuable then you don't get a grant and you don't get paid. The impression I got was that "getting to success" is the end goal. There's a bunch of menial work in between, but there's that possibility of big success to make being miserable worth it. =P
There is more risk in research than there is in traditional pharmacy. I'm not sure that I want to take that much risk. I know that God will take care of me and that I will 'survive' if I take a risk and lose. It's more that my personality is both more cautious as well as I am more content with what I have. Perhaps that could be interpreted as unambitious. Maybe it's just passivity. *shrug* I enjoy reading about other people's hard work and their results and learning what they came up with.
Despite the discussion, I think I'm still looking forward to a career in traditional pharmacy. Perhaps as a hospital pharmacist, though I don't want to do a residency, but more likely as a compounding or independent pharmacist. Maybe I'll open my own store and hire my brother Kevin to do the marketing. =P
One thing I do know, where I end up in 5 years most likely won't look like I imagined it would.

(Ok, so this post is more me thinking out loud to get my own thoughts in order rather than for anyone else's benefit. *shrug* I'm allowed to have one of these kinds of posts every once in a while. ;) )

1 comment:

  1. You NEED to do one of these posts every once and awhile, Andrew! Your thoughts are good, and trying to sift through "success" and "advancement" and career paths are necessary. Not everyone is to be an entrepreneur, and I think that is good. Think about what aspects of the work you like doing, and why...this is probably a more reliable guide to your place than ambition, risk-taking, or success for you. Just some thoughts...a couple cents worth. I like hearing about what you're thinking and growing through!
