Sunday, December 23, 2012


This is an interesting discussion about creation and some of the nature of God. I created a new word to describe my understanding of how God relates to time: Omnichronic. (Update, I added a link to a video at the end that helps illustrate this)

FBUser #1: I don't believe God created the earth in 7 24-hour days.
Monday, December 10 at 2:37pm

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Risk? Success? *shrug*

I had someone explain some of the options available in research with a Pharm.D and some of the reasons to get into that field. He described how spending a lot of time trying to figure something out and then getting results that change how you understand things is extremely satisfying. He spent a lot of time telling stories of how people took something they learned in the lab and then made their own company and are making millions.

Monday, November 26, 2012

No Re-Runs

One of the gifts God gives us is that life is circular, with rhythms and ups and downs. We get to see familiar places again; a sunset exploding the sky with yellows, oranges, reds, and blues, the myriads of stars, the sunrise greeting the day; the warmth of Summer, the colors of Fall, the barrenness of Winter, the rebirth of Spring; a new moon, a full moon. ALL of it beautiful in some way (despite griping about how hot Summer is ;) ).

Monday, October 22, 2012

Waiting on the Lord

Hah, I'm back! I've been gone mostly cause school has hit me like a truck. But, sometimes God even finds a way to speak through that. =)
God has been telling me some stuff lately, trying to get my attention you might say.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dark Canyon

Here is a poem for my friends in Colorado Springs that has a lot more meaning now in the light of the Waldo Canyon Fire. I got it from my dad a couple years ago and he got it from a book long ago.
Dark Canyon

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Evolution and Christianity

This conversation didn't include me much, but it is a very interesting discussion of evolution and creationism. Be warned it is very long (as you might tell by the scroll bar on the right. ;) ) (8,300 words long in fact)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012



What does this word mean? I’ve noticed it in a couple of songs recently:

“To the cross I run
Holding high my chains undone
Now I am finally free
Free to be what I've become
Undone” –Undone, MercyMe

“Bid my blood to run
Before I come undone” – Bring Me To Life, Evanescence (sung in a church no less)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Music Therapy

Ok, so this isn’t a copy of a conversation I had on facebook, but I felt the need to write. Or at least express myself through copy/pasting of song lyrics, that’s close enough to the original format. ;) In a way this is a conversation between me and God via music.
These lyrics are from the album “Undone” by MercyMe. God gave me this album to help heal my aching heart. For those whose first thought is “tl;dr” I bolded the sections that meant the most to me.

When I am overwhelmed
Holding pieces of my heart
When I feel my world
Start to fall apart

To the cross I run –Undone

Monday, March 12, 2012

What don't I ask for?

Thought-provoking. What don't I ask for?
Sunday, February 26 at 11:43am

Andrew: Interesting. Especially if we apply the analogy to spiritual things as well as physical things. Sure we like the idea of asking for, and getting, more stuff. But what do we not have spiritually because we don't ask for it? Then the next question is, why don't we ask? Personally, I often don't ask because I am afraid of the answer, or the method of the answer. I'm nice and content in my little bubble, and the idea of the possibility of being asked to go outside my bubble scares me.

Black and White?

FBUser #1
Having a deep conversation with someone on this thing has lead me to a realization. Life truly does belong in black and white, not shades of gray. Gray is only what some think is white, and others think is black. Truly everything must lie on one side or the other.
Sunday, February 26 at 10:18pm

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog Inauguration

I realized something, it is difficult for me to synthesize an essay de novo, and thus I rarely do it, meaning normal blogs just flop. But, I do much better having conversations with people about different topics, and I put a lot of thought into writing replies. Thus, a way I can blog is by posting my conversations in a sort of co-written blog post.
Thus, I inaugurate Conversations Re: (Regarding/Reply) God.